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Philip Locke was the commanding officer of Section 20, before it was disbanded. An SAS legend according to Stonebridge. Locke is a man of experience who served six tours in Northern Ireland and later became a top official in Whitehall.


Locke was a decorated military officer who had served six tours in Northern Ireland and a member of the Special Air Service (UKSF). According to Stonebridge, Locke was an SAS legend who worked several missions against the IRA in the 1980s. At one point the IRA attempted to kill him with a car bomb, but instead the bomb killed his son and left his wife in a persistent vegetative state. She was made quadriplegic and received burns on over 60% of her body.

Season 4 Shadow Warfare[]

Hunt For Al Zuhari

Now in Lebanon, Section 20 commanding officer Major Rachel Dalton and Sergeant Liam Baxter have been undercover for three months whilst investigating a new threat from a terrorist organisation called Al-Zuhari, run by terrorist leader Al Zuhari himself.

The operation in Beirut went wrong and Sgt. Baxter was captured and executed by Al Zuhari’s second lieutenant Leo Kamali. Whilst this is happening, Sgt. Michael Stonebridge and Sgt. Damien Scott are on holiday in the USA. Whilst motorcycling through Northern California, they are picked up by Sgt. Julia Richmond by helicopter and informed that their holiday is over and that Sgt. Baxter is dead.

Onboard a Lockheed C-130 Hercules , the team are briefed by Major Dalton. Soon after, they are joined on coms by Lieutenant Colonel Philip Locke from Whitehall. Locke informs Stonebridge and Scott about the operation, it was Locke who ordered the operation into Beirut in the first place. Locke revels to the team the identity of Baxter’s killer was Leo Kamali, the money man of the Al-Zuhari terrorist network. It turns out that Leo Kamali helped Al Zuhari’s network with being responsible for the control of most of the drug supply of cocaine and heroin heading into Europe. Locke explains that Dalton and Baxter were tracking them and then allowed Major Dalton to inform the team that they were compromised, also showing Stonebridge, Scott and Richmond the footage of Baxter being shot by Kamali.

Locke informs the team that if they can capture Kamali, they can learn the location of Al Zuhari himself. Section 20 has no intelligence on the current location of Al Zuhari’s whereabouts. But he informs the team that thanks to Major Dalton, they now know that Kamali is in Bogotá, Colombia. He briefs the team to link up with DEA Intelligence Agent Kim Martinez who runs a small guerilla force in a jungle controlled by a drug cartel boss called Miguel Gomez. Kamali is in Bogotá to meet with Gomez himself, Dalton informs the team that they want Kamali alive. But Locke tells the team that if they can’t capture Kamali, then kill him. He then tells Dalton that she knows that he has been looking for an excuse to get some ‘dust on his boots, so don’t give him one’ before going off coms.

After Dalton was attacked by members of Al-Zuhari in a safe house in Beirut. She found a match box belonging to one of the attackers with a name called Sebastian Gray written inside it. She calls Locke and asks him what does the name mean to him. Locke tells Dalton that Gray was with MI6, and that he worked in Beirut back in the 1980s before he vanished. However, they found out that he had been recently selling intelligence to the highest bidder and had gone to ground for infuriating the French. He tells Dalton that the French Government had sent a team to get him, but as far as the British Government was concerned, they’d thought Gray was dead. Dalton tells Locke that she had a strong feeling that he was alive and that she needed to find him. Locke sent her all the information they had about him over, but warned her that it was past it’s sell by date. He also advised her that if she does find him, to approach from ‘downwind’ and if he sees her first, she’s lost him. After finishing his call with Dalton, he then orders his secretary to get him on the next flight to Beirut.

After already losing Sebastian Gray once, Major Dalton finally manages to capture him and interrogate him. Gray informs Dalton why he abandoned MI6 and about how Al Zuhari has killed six intelligence officers within the past three months. He tells Dalton that Al Zuhari is systematically targeting people who are dangerous to him, including people like Dalton and Section 20. He also told Dalton that a couple of weeks ago, he heard a whisper about a man looking for intel about western military bases. Dalton then asks which bases, which Gray replies back saying ‘all of them’. Everything including material, personnel and schedules. Gray then explains to Dalton how he put himself up as a seller and let it know that he had everything that Al Zuhari wanted to know. Al Zuhari’s men then captured Gray and took him to one of their training camps. He told Dalton that he never met Al Zuhari and how he was told that he was given three weeks to deliver the information to them. Gray tells Dalton that now she knows that Al Zuhari is targeting NATO military bases. Dalton then asks Gray to come with her and help Section 20 find Al Zuhari’s base of operations. But Gray is then shot from behind by a Al-Zuhari gunman and killed. As Dalton chases the gunman to a busy road and prepares to shot him, she finds her weapon has run out of ammunition. The gunman then prepares to shot her, but he is then quickly run over by a car before he can shot. Lt. Colonel Locke then steps out of the car and greets the Major. He tells Dalton to get in and that there is a plane standing by and that they were off to Colombia. Dalton tells Locke that Gray is dead and Locke tells the Major to take a breath and that they will debrief in the air.

After Scott and Stonebridge looted the vault containing intelligence on Al Zuhari, and killed Miguel and his brother Raul Gomez. They had finally captured Leo Kamali. Kamali claimed to be a deep undercover CIA operative, who had spent years infiltrated inside Al Zuhari’s organisation. Scott and Stonebridge brought Kamali back to Section 20. But before Dalton could interrogate him, Locke walks in with a man who identifies himself as Argust Van Berg Deputy Director of the CIA. Van Berg slams Section 20 for potentially blowing Kamali’s cover and destroying years of work, he then proceeds to threaten severe consequences on Section 20 as a result. Dalton refuses to believe Van Berg’s explanations and a heated argument erupts. Locke intervenes and shows Van Berg the footage of Kamali executing Baxter. Whilst Van Berg is shocked with the footage, Locke then assures Berg that Section 20 doesn’t want to destroy their years of work but use it instead. Locke proposes to Berg that if the CIA lets Section 20 use Kamali to help them in their fight against Al Zuhari, then Locke will make sure Kamali doesn’t get life in prison for the execution of Baxter. Van Berg is stunned, but Dalton tells Locke that they can’t be trusted. Locke tells Dalton that she will do as she is told. Seconds later, Kamali agrees to work with Section 20. But warns them that the fight won’t be an easy one, and be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Tracking James Leatherby

With Kamali now working with Section 20, the team begin to track down former SAS turned terrorist arms dealer James Leatherby. Section 20 received intel that Leatherby was now working with Al Zuhari. Additionally, one of Kamali’s contacts had also disclosed information earlier before he died, that Leatherby was bringing in Al-Zuhari himself from Syria by plane. Dalton updates Locke who is now back in Whitehall on the phone. Kamali is to pay Leatherby for the job, but Dalton is still sceptic about using Kamali and still doesn’t trust him. Locke tells Dalton to let Kamali go to the meeting with Leatherby and pay him. Also telling her that Kamali is the best lead they’ve got on bringing down Al-Zuhari, and that they have lost too much to stop now. Before warning her not to have to make him come out to Beirut again.

The meeting with Leatherby goes ahead, and the team manages to find out the location where the plane carrying Al-Zuhari lands from Leatherby’s boyfriend called Fahran. Section 20 intercept Leatherby, Fahran and their men at the airstrip and discover that the convey doesn’t contain Al-Zuhari but an unknown female passenger instead. Dalton orders the team to bring her in.

Back in Beirut, the team bring the unknown female passenger back to the crib. Dalton begins to interrogate the female, but Locke once again enters the room and orders Richmond to take the hostage away and leave him with Dalton. Dalton is shocked and Locke is unimpressed that the package was not Al-Zuhari himself and that the intel about the drop was off. Dalton doesn’t believe the woman’s claims to be innocent, and suggests to Locke that she is lying and must be a courier. But Locke interrupts and says the woman is exactly who she says she is. Locke seeing that Dalton is over stressed and over worked, and clearly affected emotionally by the death of Baxter, places Dalton on immediate leave. Dalton is furious and leaves the crib without saying another word. Locke then walks out of the room into the command centre of the crib and informs the rest of the team, that he is taking overall command of the unit.

Locke then examines Dalton’s room, looking through all her photos of the operation and discovers her canister of Morphine that she has been taking throughout the operation. Clearly deducing that she’s been taking this for the stress of the op, he then sees several photos of Al Zuhari and the same women they had just captured in a car together. Soon realising that Dalton was right, Locke then goes to interrogate the woman himself. Only to find that she had gone. Immediately knowing that it was Dalton who had took her.

Shortly after Dalton had taken the hostage, Kamali returns and informed the team that James Leatherby has taken his daughter Ester. Leo immediately requests for Scott and Stonebridge to find and rescue her, as he wasn’t there at the time to protect her. Scott and Stonebridge reassure Kamali that they do ‘have his back’ and will rescue Ester. Locke agrees to let Stonebridge and Scott rescue Ester on one condition. Locke asks Leo to track down Dalton and find the female hostage who has now been identified as Sofia Abboud.

Stonebridge, Scott, Richmond and Martinez successfully find Leatherby’s hideout and manage to rescue Ester. Despite taking out many of Leatherby’s men, the team were not out of the wood yet. Leatherby puts in call to a friend in Hezbollah and asks ‘for a favour’, his friend agrees and soon a small battalion of Hezbollah militants head out in a convoy of SUVs.

As the team head back to Beirut, they come across a Hezbollah roadblock and are forced to stop, soon realising they are surrounded by hostile contacts. The team bails out of their vehicle and manage to get inside a building whilst taken heavy enemy fire. Soon afterwards, Leatherby arrives with the rest of his men along with more Hezbollah fighters. He knows Section 20 will be listening to Hezbollah communications, so asks one of the fighters to get him in touch with them.

Locke is in the crib command centre when Leatherby makes contact on the Section’s coms. Locke asks for him to be patch through so he can talk to Leatherby directly. Locke then replies back to Leatherby, who then asks for Locke to identify himself. Locke tells Leatherby his name and Leatherby says he has heard of him many times before, but never really saw what was so important about him. After a brief exchange, Locke demands Leatherby to let his team go as they were only ‘doing their jobs’. Leatherby replied, stating he will ‘cut out their hearts and send them back to him’. The team decide to make their escape to the roof and as they move up to the higher levels of the building, Locke makes contact again. He informs the team of the discovery that Sophia Abboud is actually Al Zuhari’s wife.

As the team try to fight their way to the top of the building, with Leatherby and Hezbollah in pursuit. Locke along with other members of Section 20 leave the crib and head to the team’s location to extract them. After Scott and Stonebridge capture Fahran on the top of the roof, they convince Leatherby to negotiate. He comes face to face with Scott and Stonebridge and has a heated exchange with them at first, as to why he switched sides after his capture in Iraq. Afterwards, he finally tells the team where he was paid to take Sofia too. Leatherby then shoots and kills Fahran for believing he has betrayed him. Scott and Stonebridge then shoot Leatherby, before dying he tells Stonebridge that ’he’ll see him in hell’ before Stonebridge shoots him once more with his sidearm to finish him off.

With the location of the drop off now discovered, Locke, Stonebridge, Scott and the rest of the team head to the location. Meanwhile, Kamali had found Dalton and Sofia. After finding Dalton, Kamali convinced Dalton to let Sophia free so that they can follow her to the drop off point as she would never tell them anything about Al Zuhari. Dalton and Kamali followed Sofia to the drop off point in a suburban area of Beirut. Dalton then contacts Locke and informs him that they are at the RV. Locke tells her to sit tight and wait for their arrival, and also keep an open channel on their coms.

As Sofia enters the building, hoping to be reunited with her husband Al Zuhari. She is shocked to find that as she enters the room he isn’t there but another woman is. The woman says she’s come a long way. When Sophia asks where is her husband, the unknown woman replies that ‘he couldn’t be here and that he told me to tell ya he’s truly sorry.’ The woman then shots Sofia and takes out a micro chip hidden in Sofia’s watch.

Major Dalton’s Death

Dalton and Kamali hear the gunshot, and the Major quickly jumps out to go and investigate. As she find Sophia’s body, she finds the back of her watch has been opened and the intel has been taken. As Dalton begins to look around, she is then suddenly shot in the shoulder and falls to the floor. The mysterious woman then emerges again, and asks the Major if she recognises her ‘from all those special branch files’. As the mysterious woman speaks, Locke and the rest of the team can hear everything that’s going on. The woman then shots Dalton again in the knee. As Locke and the team arrive on site, Dalton identifies the woman as ‘McKenna’ before being shot in the head by her.

As McKenna flees the scene, she also shots and wounds Kamali in the shoulder before making her escape. The team arrive too late to catch McKenna and save Dalton and find her body with Sophia’s watch in her hand. Locke then tells the team that whatever the intel was, the killer now has it. He tells the team that the killer’s name is Mairead McKenna, a member of the real IRA. Locke confirmed that it was her voice he’d heard on the coms. He then admits that the Major was right about Sophia. The team then extract, taking Dalton and Kamali with them.

Back at the crib, Locke is packing up Dalton’s possessions and when a picture falls out of one of hers books, he looks at the picture and discovers that Dalton has a son. He places his picture on her body and then zips up the body bag.

The Old Enemy Joins The New.

Along with Al Zuhari, Mairead Mckenna and the real IRA are now another target for Section 20. Whilst Richmond attends Major Rachel Dalton’s funeral back in England, at Tunbridge Wells. The rest of the team are now in Budapest, Hungary. Tracking down a known arms dealer of the IRA called Sean O’Riordan. The team find out from O’Riordan that McKenna came to him asking for weapons and explosives. He pointed out a shipment of weapons coming into a switching yard in Pest. O’Riordan told the team that McKenna was going to ambush the train and take the weapons. As the team begin to extract with O'Riordan, he breaks away and tries to escape, only to be run over by a van as he ran into the road.

Section 20, now based in the British Embassy in Budapest. Regroup with Richmond, who tells Scott and Stonebridge of Dalton’s funeral and how she has a son. Locke tells the team that they will do all they can for the child. The team are then shortly joined on video link by Kamali. Locke then briefs the team, as it stands, McKenna along with the real IRA are now clearly working with Al Zuhari and both planning an attack. Locke tells the team that he wants to stop McKenna from attaining the weapons from the arms shipment, capture her alive and find out what she and Al Zuhari are planning.

As the team get into position in the switching yard, they observe the Hungarian Mafia unloading the weapons. They also identify an IRA sniper also observing the Hungarians. Martinez is sneaked up upon by another IRA gunman, but she manages to subdue him. The sniper then begins to take out the Hungarians one by one and other masked IRA gunman accompanied by two of Al-Zuhari’s men, break cover and spring the trap. They eliminate all of the Hungarians and then begin to take the shipment of weapons for themselves. Whilst her men load the weapons, McKenna goes to look for her missing man Liam, who was killed trying to apprehend Martinez. When she discovers Liam’s body, Scott sneaks up behind her and tasers her. However, whilst being tasered she fires her gun, which alerts the rest of her men. Stonebridge and Martinez then open fire on the IRA gunman. As Scott drags McKenna away, and Stonebridge and Martinez begin to take out as many hostile as possible. The rest of the IRA try to attempt their get away with the weapons. Locke immediately orders the team to not let them get away with the weapons. Stonebridge grabs one of the RPGs left behind and runs after the fleeing trucks. As Locke orders him to take the shot, Stonebridge’s sight begins to faze whilst aiming at the trucks. He fires and misses the trucks, and they escape.

Back in the British Embassy, the team now have McKenna in their custody. As the team regroups back at the crib, Locke asks Richmond for any news on the arms trucks. Richmond informs Locke that they have no intel on the trucks whereabouts yet, but they have informed GCHQ and the Hungarian police on the matter. As Stonebridge gets checked out by the doctor for his unusual loss of vision during the engagement, Locke goes to interrogate McKenna.

During the interrogation, Locke demands Mairead to tell them what the target is and when is the attack going to happen. Mairead refuses to answer. Locke then begins to tells Mairead that he knew her brother Francie McKenna. He also tells Mairead of how he successfully managed to turned Francie against her and the IRA. Mairead refuses to believe that her brother would betray her and tells Locke that he’s lying. Locke then tells Mairead how the British Goverment paid Francie over fifty thousand pounds plus expenses for all his efforts and intelligence. Showing her photos of her brother taking money from British MI6 handlers. Mairead still refuses to believe it, stating that all of it is faked. Locke then shows her a video of himself talking to Francie years ago in Ireland, taking another payment from Locke and handing over more intelligence of another attack. Whilst watching Mairead is horrified, and as soon as the video ends Locke then threatens to post the video on a Republican news website. To show them who Francie McKeena really was, and potentially discredit Mairead and her real IRA. Mairead is speechless. As the video begins to send, Locke then asks Mairead again when and where is the attack going to take place. But before the video is about to be sent, one of the Embassy’s officials walks into the room and asks Locke if he can have a word outside. Locke then pauses the video from posting. But before he leaves, Mairead then asks if that is ‘the’ Philip Locke she had heard about. The official tells Locke of how the British Ambassador is about to bring a storm down on their heads. He informs Locke that the Irish consult know that they are holding McKenna, and that they are now threatening to take it to Number 10 Downing Street. He tells Locke that Downing Street want McKenna brought back to the UK immediately and that it has to be official. Locke is shocked about the motion and begins to protest that she is the only lead they have on finding out what Al Zuhari and the real IRA are planning to attack. But the official dismisses his claims and tells him that it is not a request but a direct order from No.10.

Locke and the team take McKenna to Budapest Airport for extraction back to the UK. But whilst going through customs McKenna says she needs to go to the bathroom. The team immediately reject her request, but Locke eventually agrees and tells Richmond and Martinez to take her. But whilst in one of the cubicles, McKenna manages to retrieve a pistol and a pen knife secreted in the toilet paper dispenser. She loosens her restraints with the knife and hides her weapon down her trousers and exits the toilets with Martinez and Richmond.

Before the team are about to finally go through customs. The lobby comes under attack by IRA gunmen disguised as civilians, providing the perfect distraction for McKenna to break free from Richmond and Martinez. One of the gunmen manages to shot both Richmond and Martinez and wound them. The other gunmen take out most of the police and airport security guarding the lobby. Scott and Stonebridge manage to retrieve their weapons from the lock boxes and along with Philip Locke begin to return fire.

Locke, Stonebridge and Scott begin to take out many of the gunman. But whilst Locke advances through the lobby, he is grabbed from behind by McKenna and taken hostage. As she attempts to escape with Locke, Stonebridge catches up with them and has his weapon trained on McKenna. However, Stonebridge doesn’t have a clear line of fire as McKenna is using Locke as a human shield. Locke orders Stonebridge to take the shot, but once again Stonebridge’s vision becomes dazzled and he hesitates to take the shot. Allowing McKenna to take Locke with her. McKenna along with her second in command Paidraig and the rest of her men manage to get into an armoured personnel carrier (APC) and escape the airport.

Now captured by McKenna and the IRA. Locke is taken to an abandoned factory where the rest of her men and their Al-Zuhari allies commanded by Farid are based.

Back at the British Embassy, the rest of Section 20 along with Kamali try to find a lead on where Locke had been taken and where the attack will be taking place. Richmond discovers that an hour before the attack at the airport, a phone call was made by a man called Moukhtar Mousawi to the IRA. He’s one of Al Zuhari’s men based in Europe and owns a car dealership in Budapest. Kamali confirms this and also tells the team that Mousawi is also one of Al Zuhari’s fixers in Europe. The team inform Kamali that Locke has been taken prisoner, and Kamali tells the team that Mousawi would know where they are holding him.

Scott and Stonebridge head to Mousawi’s car dealership. But before they go to interrogate Mousawi, Scott asks Stonebridge about what’s been going on lately with his condition. Stonebridge tells Scott that he’s seen the Embassy’s doctor and that she’s running some tests for him.

Whilst trying out one of Mousawi’s cars, Scott and Stonebridge kidnap Mousawi and interrogate him. After threatening to drive straight into a container, Mousawi finally agrees to talk. He tells them that Locke had been to taken to an abandoned factory in district nine. But before he could say anymore, Mousawi is shot by a gunman hidden in a van 100 yards away. The gunman also shots at the car and manages to disable it. The gunman climbs out of the van and heads towards the car, Scott and Stonebridge then quickly jump out and shot him. Whilst checking the gunman’s body, Stonebridge find a distinctive tattoo across the left side of the man’s chest. The tattoo is of a Russian mob identified by Stonebridge as Vory V Zakone.

Back at the Embassy, Kamail informs Scott and Stonebridge of the man who was sent to kill them. Kamail tells them the gunman who’s name was Nikolay Iskander worked for a man called Arkady Leoind Ulyanov . Ulyanov is the head of one of the most feared Russian mafias in Russia. Kamali says he’s got the resources of a small country, has influence in many parts of Russia and his son was Victor Ulyanov. Who Scott and Stonebridge killed during their mission in Colombia to capture Kamail back at Miquel Gomez’s villa. Richmond using the intel from Mousawi, also finds out the location of the abandoned factory where the IRA and Al-Zuhari are holding Locke. The team then head out to rescue him.

Meanwhile, Locke had been enduring punishment and torture at the hands of his captors. Locke had been shot in the shoulder by McKenna whilst trying to escape, and also told him that she knew who killed his son Anthony. Locke refused to give up any information or tell them the new security protocols that had been changed on his orders. Even when McKeena said she would tell him the name of the person responsible for his son death and his wife’s terrible injuries he still refuses. Farid then begins to push a rusty iron bar into Locke’s wound to force him to give up the information.

After getting no where with the interrogation, Farid decides to execute Locke for propaganda. Before leaving McKenna tells him that after they’re done, to send a copy of the video to his wife. McKenna and her men then head out of the factory in three vans, leaving Locke with Farid and Al-Zuhari’s men.

Shortly after McKenna and the IRA’s departure, the rest of Section 20 infiltrated the factory, eliminated all the guards, killed Farid and rescued Locke. Whilst heading to the evac helicopter, Locke tells the team that whatever McKenna and the IRA are planning it’s happening soon.

Attack on the British Embassy

Section 20 now back at the British Embassy in Budapest, try to identify what McKenna and the IRA are planning. Locke informs the team and Kamali that McKenna, the IRA and Al-Zuhari are trying to crack the NATO Hub which is the gateway to all NATO allied intelligence. Locke assumes that they intend on downloading intel on the targets they intend to attack. Kamali suggests that Gray and Dalton were right all along and that they must be planning on attacking a NATO base.

Meanwhile McKenna and the her men split up in the three vans and take up three separate positions around the British Embassy. One of the vans is picked up on Section 20’s drone feed in Joseph Square and Locke orders the team to intercept the vans and evacuate the embassy. Locke then tells Richmond to alert the authorities that the embassy is under attack. Scott, Stonebridge and Martinez head to the vans and discovers that they contain a mortar set to fire at the British Embassy. The first van at Joesph Square successfully fires at the embassy and causes terrible damage. Richmond informs the rest of the team where the other two vans are located, Scott heads for the van at Joseph Park, whilst Stonebridge and Martinez head for the van at the bridge.

Scott manages to stop the second van, but Stonebridge and Martinez were unable to stop the final van from firing it’s mortars. The second bombardment causes terrible destruction, and Locke and Richmond had found out that just before the attack McKenna had killed the ambassador’s secretary to get her identification card. Allowing her to gain access to the NATO archives inside the embassy.

As emergency services arrive at the British Embassy, McKenna, Paidraig and another IRA henchman also arrive disguised as paramedics with gas masks. Scott, Stonebridge and Martinez also arrive back at the embassy. Locke still in the command centre orders the team to get a medic into the command centre immediately as Richmond is injured. Stonebridge unaware that McKenna and her men are inside the embassy manages to get one of her men to come with him to attend to Richmond. McKenna secretly nods at him to go with Stonebridge whilst she and Paidraig head to the basement to get to the archive.

Stonebridge and the IRA henchman enter the command centre and as Stonebridge attends to Richmond, she begins to tell him about the NATO archive inside the embassy. The IRA henchman tries to quietly pull out his weapon to shot them, but Locke sees him first and shots him. Locke identifies the man as an imposter and tells Scott and Stonebridge to head to the basement and find the other two paramedics he was with. Whilst he stays and looks after Richmond.

McKenna and Paidraig reach the basement and eliminate all the guards. They enter the archive and using the secretary’s ID begin to download the archive’s NATO Hub. Scott and Stonebridge however manage to catch up with them and a firefight ensues. During the exchange, Paidraig is hit and McKenna tells him to take the hard drive and deliver it to the destination while she holds them off. Whilst retreating McKenna is ambushed by Locke and shot in the shoulder. He then pushes her up against the wall and holds her at gunpoint. Locke demands Mairead to tell him who was the bomber who killed his son and in return he would do everything he can for her. She refuses to say and says he will never turn another McKenna against the IRA. Locke then pulls out a revolver and empties out all the bullets apart from one. Using Russian Roulette, he asks McKenna again who killed his son, pulling the trigger in the progress to show her he means business. After a second pull on the trigger, Mairead tells Locke that her phone contained the man who killed his son. But before she could say anymore, Kamali shots and kills her much to Locke’s frustration. Paidraig delivers the hard drive to an unknown contact in a car, the contact then shots and kills the IRA man and drives off.

After the attack on the British Embassy, the team discover that Mairead McKenna had successfully cloned a drive of the Embassy. Locke then explains that if they successfully decrypt it then NATO is officially compromised and Europe is exposed to an attack by Al-Zuhari. However, Richmond tells the team that when activated the drive broadcasts a unique trackable signal, which they had successfully managed to pick up. The signal had been traced to Russia.

Decryption Of The NATO Hard Drive

Now in Moscow, Section 20’s next objective is to stop the decryption of the NATO hard drive cloned by McKenna. The team had traced the signal of the hard drive to a prison called Black Bear Prison. The prison was privately owned by Arkady Ulyanov and everyone at the prison including the governor Ilyin was on Ulyanov’s payroll.

Scott and Stonebridge deliberately get themselves arrested by the Russian Police to get themselves sent to Black Bear Prison. In order to find the hard drive and destroy it. Locke, Richmond and Martinez on the other hand are now in a new secret crib in Moscow. They are also joined on video link by four high ranking officials of the NATO Military Committee and are constantly being briefed on the situation.

Locke informs the NATO committee of how Al-Zuhari and IRA terrorists attacked the British Embassy in Budapest, and how they had cloned a NATO hard drive. Richmond tells the committee that they had traced the signal of the device to Black Bear Prison. NATO Commander Air Commodore Harold Vaughn says that they would have to pierce three security firewalls before they can access the NATO hub.

Martinez explains how computer hacker Erik Andersson had recently been transferred to Black Bear from a minimal security prison for leaking intel on Allied operations in Iran. Andersson was being extradited back to the US for the Intelligence leak, but Section 20 believe that Andersson is being used by Al-Zuhari and Ulyanov to decrypt the NATO hard drive whilst he is in Black Bear.

NATO Brigadier General Fiona Ellis asks Locke if Section 20 had informed the Russians, Locke then tells the officials that they haven’t officially informed the Russians that they where operating in Russia. Richmond informs the officials that this is because Ulyanov has half of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in his back pocket. Fortunately, Locke tells the committee that he has a contact inside the other half of the FSB. Commodore Vaughn then informs Locke that they were right and the first firewall has already been breached, and that Andersson has to be stopped. Locke then reassures the committee that Scott and Stonebridge are already inside Black Bear and have orders to destroy the drive and get Andersson out, or eliminate him if they can’t.

Scott and Stonebridge, now inmates of Black Bear Prison are escorted to the prison yard with the other new inmates. As the walk into the yard they both discuss their plan on how to get to Andersson and the hard drive. Whilst standing in yard, Stonebridge identifies Andersson sitting at the far end of the yard with armed guards and comes up with a plan. He informs Scott that he’s going to start a fight with a small gang of inmates in the yard to steal their handset phone from their leader and also to distract the guards, and allow Scott to go and speak to Andersson whilst the guards are not looking.

Whilst Stonebridge incites the fist fight with the gang a d distracts the rest of the other inmates and guards, Scott heads over to where Andersson is sitting and tells him that they know who he has and what he is up to. Andersson tells Scott that he can’t help him and that Al-Zuhari and Ulyanov’s men are holding some of his friends from his hacking collective hostage. Scott says they’ll free his friends if he promises to delay the decryption which Andersson agrees. Scott then runs over to stop Stonebridge who keeps repeatedly punching the gang leader in the head, nearly killing him. Whilst fighting the inmates, Stonebridge’s vision dazzles yet again sending him into a rage. After Scott drags Stonebridge off the gang leader he gets the phone off Stonebridge and hides it in his trousers.

Soon after the brawl, Scott and Stonebridge are taken to their cell by a prison guard. In their cell they become aquatinted with their cell mate called Puskin. Puskin agrees not to say anything about Scott and Stonebridge’s activities in return for them not telling other prisoners of Puskin’s hidden dress and lipstick they found in the cell, which Puskin explained in Russia such behaviour would get him killed. Scott and Stonebridge agree to keep Puskin’s secret safe. Soon after this, Puskin begins to tell Scott and Stonebridge about a Japanese doctor and his Arab companion who come and collect prisoners who are transferred to an unknown location. All transferred prisoners are never heard from again and are presumed to be killed when taken away by them. When asked about the identity of the Arab, Puskin replies with the name Reza Hussan.

Back in his cell, Erik Andersson gets back to decrypting the hard drive. But whilst he restarts the download he secretly starts to deliberately delay the decryption. Richmond back in the command centre with Locke and Martinez see that Andersson is delaying the download. However, Richmond tells Locke that he’s already half way through the second firewall. Whilst this is going on, Martinez picks up CCTV footage sent from Locke’s contact within the FSB of Leo Kamali at the International Bank of Moscow.

The footage shows Kamali and his unknown accomplice talking to the manager of the bank. Kamali’s accomplice then kills the manager and the footage shows them leaving the bank. It turns out that Kamali was there shutting down a series of unidentified bank accounts. Locke asks Martinez what is he up to, but Martinez says it’s unclear and even the CIA doesn’t know what he’s doing. Deputy Director Van Berg himself is even on his way from Berlin to investigate. As Kamali leaves the bank, he gets into a car and shots his accomplice dead before he can get into the car and speeds away.

Scott using the phone the had taken from the gang leader, calls Locke to report on their progress. He tells Locke that they had made contact with Andersson and that they are going to need more time before they can get him out. Due to the fact that they are holding his friends prisoner, Andersson won’t help until he knows that they are safe first. Scott also asks Locke if they had heard of a man called Reza Hassan. Richmond revels that Hassan is one of Al-Zuhari’s key lieutenants.

Taking the phone of speaker, Locke tells Scott that Stonebridge’s test results have come back. It turns out that Stonebridge has been exposed to a neurotoxin when he fell through a roof whilst on the botched mission to retrieve Al-Zuhari back at the airstrip from Leatherby. When he fell through the roof he had cut his arm on a sharp piece of jagged metal on a missile in the armoury which infected him with the neurotoxin. This explained why his combat performance and vision on other missions had been off target. Locke advices Scott to not tell Stonebridge but it as he was the one in the field with Stonebridge that it was ultimately his call. Before hanging up, Locke also told Scott that they do have an antidote, and as soon as they hear anything about the hostages Scott will be the first to know. At the same time, Martinez informs Locke that Van Berg wants to met Locke with Kamali.

Locke and Martinez head to the location Van Berg sent to them. Once there Locke gets into Van Berg’s car and demands an answer from Kamali about his earlier actions. Kamali claimed that he had been order by Al Zuhari himself to close all his bank accounts in Russia. He suspected that the man Al-Zuhari had sent with him was going to kill him so that was why he eliminated him. Locke is skeptical and asks why all the secrecy? Kamali then explains how Al-Zuhari suspects a traitor within the organisation and a heated exchange soon erupts between Locke and Kamali which lead to Kamali getting out of the car and walking off with Locke following him. Kamali then explains how he’s got to think of his safety along with Ester’s. Suddenly, Van Berg’s car explodes killing Berg in the process and leaving Locke stunned and Kamali shocked. With Berg dead they quickly evac with Martinez and head back to the Moscow crib.

Back in the crib’s command centre, Richmond with the help of Andersson’s description had managed to locate where Andersson’s friends were being held prisoner. Richmond had traced them to a run down Municipal Sports Centre. When Locke returns with Kamali, she shows him CCTV footage of Reza Hassan getting out of a car at the sports centre. Richmond also informs Locke that Andersson was through to the last firewall but the process had been slowed down. Locke orders Richmond and Martinez to gear up, locate and rescue the hostages so they can get to Andersson.

Locke then turns his attention back to Kamali. They both discuss the recent build up of events, of transferred prisoners from Black Bear, the shutting down of accounts and the involvement of Ulyanov with Al-Zuhari. Locke wants Kamali to go and met with Ulyanov and find out what he knows. Kamali is immediately hesitant with the plan, reminding Locke that it was most likely Al Zuhari himself who tried to kill him back in the car with Van Berg. Locke then dismisses Kamali’s concerns and reminds Kamali that he’s the only one who can get close to Ulyanov without raising suspicion. After much reluctance Kamali finally agrees and walks out of the crib. As soon as he leaves, Locke and Martinez discuss their concerns about Kamali and the possibility that Major Dalton could have been right in her suspicions about him.

Meanwhile in Black Bear Prison, Scott, Stonebridge and Pushkin discuss about an escape plan out of Black Bear. Puskin, admitting his desire to escape very badly and see his family again, was offered an opportunity by Scott. Scott proposes to Puskin that if he helps them get to Andersson, then they will help him escape with them. Asking the American what did he need, Stonebridge replied by asking for a distraction. They want Puskin to incite a riot which would give them a window of opportunity to find Andersson and to escape.

Back in Andersson’s cell, the prison governor Ilyin arrives to check up on Andersson’s progress. He accuses Andersson of being too slow and reminds him that there will be extreme consequences if he puts him in a position to explain failure.

Whilst on their way to the mess room, Puskin gives Scott and Stonebridge a brief layout of the prison and the most likely place where they were keeping Andersson. He explained that Andersson would be kept in the isolation wing under close observation, the reason why he knows this is because when Puskin first arrived he too spent much time in isolation. The only way to get there was through the B Wing and that the B Wing was heavily guarded by armed guards. That is where the riot would come in.

While Richmond and Martinez make their way to the hostages, Ilyin asks the prison guards to make contact with Hassan and forces Andersson to watch. Connecting up on video link, Ilyin threatens to execute one of the hostages unless Andersson revels who contacted him to delay the process. Andersson admitted to delaying the process himself and that he couldn’t be a part of their plans as they were going to kill people. Whilst this is happening, Richmond and Martinez are watching in upper levels of the centre. Illyin then orders Hassan to kill one of the hostages, and Hassan complies and kills one of them. Andersson, horrified by what he has just watched, is then told by Ilyin to finish the download or they will kill the rest of them. Once the link is disconnected, Richmond and Martinez make their move and eliminate all of the Al-Zuhari henchmen, and rescuing the remaining hostages. After they inform Locke that the hostages are safe they go after Hassan, who escapes just in time.

Locke then messages Stonebridge and Scott and gives them the green light to go with the riot. Puskin successfully manages to get the other inmates to riot against the guards and gives them the perfect opportunity to escape the mess room, even acquiring a prison guards uniform in the process.

Thanks to Puskin’s efforts, the whole of Black Bear prison begins to riot, and many of the inmates break through the B Wing. Ilyin then orders tear gas and live ammunition to be used. As Scott, Stonebridge and Puskin make their way to the isolation wing, FSB Agent Major Nina Pirogova arrives at Black Bear and enters Ilyin’s office. She asks for Scott and Stonebridge to be handed over to her custody and the FSB. Ilyin tells her that this is not possible as the prison is in lockdown because of the riot. Unsatisfied, Perigova orders Ilyin to take her to them or threatens to shot him if he doesn’t.

As the riot continues, Scott, Stonebridge and Pushkin manage to get to the isolation wing thanks to Puskin’s prisoner guard uniform disguise. When they get to Andersson’s cell, they kill the guard watching him and open his cell. Andersson is furious and begins to shout at the trio that they are too late and the hard drive has been decrypted. Still furious over his friends execution, Stonebridge orders Andersson to sit down whilst Scott destroys the computer and equipment Andersson had been using.

Seconds later after Scott destroys the equipment, Pushkin runs back into the cell and warns the others that Ilyin is walking down the corridor with armed guards. Major Pirogova is also walking towards Andersson’s cells with the governor. Scott fires a warning shot at the ceiling to try and deter them off and forces the hostiles to take cover. After a short stand off, Major Pirogova suggests a new plan, she calls out to Scott and Stonebridge in English and tells them she is coming over unarmed to negotiate with them. As she enters she holds out her phone and tells them that there is a man on the phone to speak with them. Stonebridge takes her phone whilst Scott disarms her, when Stonebridge answers it turns out to be Philip Locke on the phone.

Locke informs Scott and Stonebridge that Major Pirogova is his contact inside the FSB and that they can trust her. Whilst Scott is giving Pirogova back her weapon, Stonebridge gives Locke a quick update on the phone of the recent developments. As Stonebridge finishes talking to Locke, Pirogova then grabs Andersson and tells them that she has order to get the two of them back alive and that Andersson is now of no use. Despite Andersson’s feeble protests, Pirogova walks him out off the corridor towards Ilyin and his guards. She knocks him out unconscious and tells Ilyin that Andersson is for him. Ilyin then orders his guards to escort the Major. Back in Andersson’s cell, she tells Scott and Stonebridge to lose the guns they had taken earlier, follow her lead and act like her prisoners.

Meanwhile, Kamali has driven to Ulyanov’s estate to meet with him as Locke ordered. During their meeting Ulyanov questions Kamali’s earlier actions back at the bank. Kamali dismisses his concerns and tells him that what happened at the bank was only the final preparations. Kamali says he has come to discuss Al Zuhari’s plans and that they required one more favour from Ulyanov. Ulyanov at first is displeased, until Kamali offers something in return for his efforts. He tells Ulyanov of Scott and Stonebridge’s presence at his prison in Black Bear, the ones responsible of his sons death.

Back at Black Bear Prison, Major Pirogova is still escorting Scott, Stonebridge and Pushkin down the corridors with her armed escort. But as they carry on, Governor Ilyin receives a phone call from Ulyanov. He demands Ilyin to bring Scott and Stonebridge to him immediately. Realising that Pirogova has played him for a fool, orders his men to arrest her and the others. As he radios the instructions to his men, Pirogova overhears and quickly shoots all three guards dead. Then tells the other three to hurry and that Ilyin and his guards are on to them.

As the four of them hurry through the B Wing following Pushkin’s lead. They come across the courtyard where all the transferred inmates are loaded into trucks and taken away. They watch as Andersson is carried away and loaded onto one of the trucks. Stonebridge asks Puskin if those are the trucks that take away the transfers, which Puskin confirms. Stonebridge much to Pirogova’s protests decides to try and rescue Andersson. Whilst this happens, Pirogova then forces Scott and Puskin to come with her and leave Stonebridge behind. Governor Ilyin is also abandoned by his armed guards and is attacked by the prison inmates and killed.

Stonebridge manages to get into the truck that’s holding Andersson, but before he can free him a guard opens the doors and hits Stonebridge in over the head with his ride butt, knocking him out and capturing him along with Andersson. Meanwhile, Puskin leads Scott and Pirogova to a door that leads them to an abandoned part of the building, from where they can make their escape. But before they can escape armed guards quickly approach them from behind. Scott tells Puskin to go whilst he and Pirogova cover his escape, Puskin full of gratitude thanks Scott before closing and locking the door behind him. Scott and Pirogova raise their hands in surrender and are captured by the prison guards.

Stonebridge’s Capture And Attack On Drezna Facility

With Scott and Pirogova captured and Stonebridge MIA, Locke briefs the NATO Military Committee on their progress. The committee are unimpressed with Section 20’s failure to prevent Andersson from decrypting the hard drive. But Locke informs the committee members of their new intel about the prison transfers out of Black Bear on behalf of Al-Zuhari. When Brigadier General Ellis asks Locke where are they going and what for, Locke informs her that they don’t know yet. He tells the committee members that without SAC cover his team are unable to find out where the prison transfers are going and that he needs them now. At first the committee members are completely opposed to the idea of putting NATO drones over Russian airspace, potentially creating a diplomatic disaster. But Locke then quickly dismisses the committee’s concerns and reminds them that the threat from Al-Zuhari is more important than their diplomatic differences with Russia. He warns the committee that without their drones he can’t get them anymore detailed information and that would have fatal consequences. Eventually Air Commodore Vaughan tells Locke that he will get his drone support, which Locke is grateful for.

Death of Philip Locke[]

Locke was executed in Switzerland by a corrupt British Whitehall Official, Charles Ridley. Scott and Stonebridge got Locke to a helicopter, however he died in the helicopter just before they crashed. Damien put Locke's coat over his body as a sign of respect.

